Private medical care for the family

Thursday, 13th Mar, 2025


Dr Barrie provides the full array of childhood and travel vaccinations.

Tuberculosis [BCG] see separate page.

Coombe Medical Practice is an approved Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre.

Meningitis B vaccine.  Since the first meningitis vaccine was introduced in 1992, many kinds of meningitis have been reduced to a mere handful of cases.  Thanks to vaccines against Hib, Meningitis C and Pneumococcal disease, thousands of children are alive today who would otherwise have died from these deadly diseases.  There is now a vaccine against Meningitis B which remains a serious threat to children and young adults.  The vaccine will help protect against meningococcal meningitis and septicaemia.  It is a course of vaccination, depending on age.  

Chicken pox (varicella) vaccine.  This prevents the likelihood of serious chicken pox and lessens the chance of scarring.  It is a course of two vaccinations.  The child must be aged twelve months or more.

Further details, including prices, are available on request.