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MB BS London 1991 [Bhatia Medal and Prize in Paediatrics]
Diploma in Child Health 1994
Diploma, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 1995
Diploma, Faculty of Family Planning 1995
Diploma in Occupational Medicine 2000
Member of Royal College of General Practitioners
Member, Society of Occupational Medicine
Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine
Fellow, The Medical Society of London
Member, Medical Officers of Schools Association
Private GP
Dr Michael Barrie qualified at St Thomas's Hospital Medical School, London, where he was awarded the Medical School prize in paediatrics. He worked as a junior doctor at Kingston Hospital and then held posts in obstetrics, gynaecology and paediatrics at Epsom Hospital. Since 1995, he has been a GP in Kingston upon Thames. He has maintained a strong interest in paediatrics, in a sense following a family tradition (his father was a consultant paediatrician in London). Dr Barrie has many families with children on his private list and holds a postgraduate medical qualification in Child Health.
Dr Barrie is the School Doctor to Rokeby School.
As well as offering the full array of private medical GP facilities, Dr Barrie undertakes a full immunisation service, arranges referrals to specialists and performs blood tests, ear irrigation and antenatal care.
He is the author of the highly-acclaimed book – The Surgeon's Rhyme.
Dr Michael Barrie provides high quality medical care, combining a high standard of medicine with a personal touch.